Thursday, June 3, 2010

Confession Number 37: I'm Pretty Stinkin' Proud

My friend Nicci over at Nix9to5 has been working hard to cut money from her budget this year.  Kuddos to Nicci because today her hard work is paying off!  It is her last day as a work OUT of the home mom and tomorrow is her first day as a working AT home mom.  She will get to spend tons of time with her Bear all while still contributing to the family income.

One of the ways Nicci has been saving money is with coupons.  Now, I'm saying this with all of the love in my heart, but she has turned into one of those crazy coupon ladies.  I don't really blame her.  Head on over to her site and see what all she got for FREE on her last shopping trip.  Free!  Zilch, notta, nuttin, zero pennies, FREE! 

I have to admit, I've become a wee bit jealous, so I decided I wouldn't go as crazy as Nicci, but I would do a little work and use coupons here and there, whenever convenient.  Dustin and I are pretty brand specific, which isn't always working in your favor when couponing.  My shopping trip today started out pretty normal.  A whole basket full of groceries and one $1 off coupon for Dawn dish soap.  Not so bad.  Made the Dawn (which I never buy) like $1.33  because it was already on sale at Wally World. 

Second stop, Braum's.  The mail fairy brought me some coupons for $$ off marketplace purchases at Braum's, which is great because I regulary (religiously) buy milk, ice cream and OJ there.  Today I had to shop for our upcoming mini vaca so I was able to save $6 on my purchase!  Total for the day= $7.  Not too shabby. 

Then I went to Walgreens.  Now any couponing crazies will tell you that Walgreens and CVS are some of the best places to get good deals.  This is where I earned my gold star.  I got all of these products...
for $11.93!  My loot included 4 cans of Nivea Men's Shave Gel, 2 bottles of Nivea Body Wash and 1 bottle of Coppertone sunscreen.  My total price was less than the regular price of the 2 bottle of body wash.  Crazy.  Here is how I did it...

Nivea Men's Shave Gel was BOGO, so, I bought 2 at $3.49 each and got 2 FREE!= $6.98
Nivea Body Wash was also BOGO, plus, I had a buy 2 take $4 off coupon= $1.99
Coppertone Sunscreen (SPF 50) was on SALE for $6.59, with a $4 Walgreens coupon AND a $1 manufacture's coupon= $1.59

With tax it came up to $11.93, a savings of $25.87!!!!!

Now, I know I probably missed some incredible deal either with what I purchased, or on something else.  I did notice while I was there that the razors Dustin uses were on sale, plus I have a $1 off coupon, so I'll have to go back tomorrow.  I may not be getting truckloads of things for free, but today, I'm pretty stinkin' proud of my $32 in savings. 

1 comment:

  1. Don't hate me when I tell you there was a BOGO coupon for the Nivea women's bodywash, and you can stack it with the Walgreens BOGO and get them both for free . . .

    Your Ex-Neighborhood Crazy Coupon Lady
