Monday, August 30, 2010

Confession Number 54: I've Been in a Rut

Maybe it has been getting used to our new schedule, maybe it is the time of year (I miss August in a high school) or maybe it is one of the other billion things going on in my life, but lately, I've been in a rut.  I haven't been blogging, I have been couponing regularly, I really just haven't been doing much of anything that is normal for me lately.

Today is the change of that, though.  Life is great!  Nothing to be in a rut about!  This weeks marks the start of football season, the start of our MOPS year and the start of me being rutless.  I'm hoping to get posts up about big things going on in our lives this week.  KJ's birthday and first day of school, plus who knows what else.  Stick with me, I'm back, I promise!

In the meantime, I think I got kicked out of my couponing rut this weekend.  Dustin, KJ and I ran to Tulsa for a little bargin shopping.  One of the stops on our list was to CVS.  I only recently started shopping at CVS, once I realized their Extra Care Bucks were good for a whole month.  Surely long enough for me to go to a larger city that has a CVS to spend them.  I had saved up $18 in Extra Care Bucks and they were about to expire.  There weren't a ton of things I needed that CVS had on sale, but I was pretty pleased with my haul. 
This trip included:
2 cans of Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner
2 pkgs. of Arm and Hammer Moist Dryer Sheets (not sure how I'll like these, but they are worth a try)
1 bottle Crest Complete Mouthwash
1 tube Crest Pro Health Toothpaste
2 tubs CVS Wet Wipes
1 bottle Fantastik
1 bottle Windex Multisurface
1 Green Bag Tag (not pictured)

I got all of that for $3.29, plus tax.  I had coupons for everything except the Green Bag Tag.  It will pay me a quarter in ECB everytime I bring in a reusable shopping bag.  It was $1, so it will pay for itself in four trips.  I also earned $10 in ECB off my next purchase. 

Hopefully my rut will stay far, far away.  I'm too busy to spend time in a rut. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Confession Number 53: She Cried

This week is a pretty big week in our house.  Full of lots of fun activities and big milestones.  Not only does Miss Kennedy turn 3 years old Friday, but this week also marks her first day of preschool.  It is crazy that she is getting ready to start her lifetime of formal education tomorrow. 

The decision to send our 3 year old to preschool two days a week wasn't one that Dustin and I came to easily.  You may remember reading about my big inner struggle with this decision here.  It was one of the most commented on postings I've done on this silly little blog of mine.  You all offered some great advice, and when all was said and done I knew I wouldn't make the wrong decision, either way.  A great friend pointed out that Kennedy's intellectual future probably wouldn't be solely determined on whether or not she went to preschool 2 days a week when she was three.  After lots of prayer and thought, and a little encouragement from Ms. Cheryl, her soon to be teacher, we decided to give it a try.  If she hates it, we don't have to go back and if she loves it, we are set.  We aren't locked into any contracts and don't feel pressured at all from the school. 

Monday was Open House at The Academy, Kennedy's new school.  It is a small, private school at the Presbyterian Church here in our hometown.  The school director is Ms. Judy, who, many moons ago, kept watch over Dustin, his sister Mallory, and a whole host of Dustin's lifelong friends.  KJ will be a 2nd generation student of Ms. Judy's.  We really can't go wrong.  We had been building it up all day that we were going to go meet her new teacher, and she was full of excitement.  We walked up the stairs and Dustin and Ms. Judy hugged (they hadn't seen each other in years).  Kennedy shook hands with Ms. Cheryl, then walked over by Judy and stood really close.  Finally Ms. Judy asked if she wanted a hug and KJ nodded.  I guess if Ms. Judy was good enough for Daddy she was good enough for Kennedy!  We were then lead to Kennedy's new classroom, where she immediately began playing with some toys in the floor.  We were told of the daily routine and the "homework" we could expect, then went to fill out some paperwork.  KJ drew on some scratch paper while Dustin and Ms. Judy caught up and when we were ready to go, she said, "OK, bye Mom".  I had to explain that she actually wouldn't be staying to go to school for a few days and that next time she came she would be able to stay and play all day.  Then they started.  The tears started flowing and we even had a collapse to the floor.  Ms. Judy commented how Kennedy may be a perfect candidate for the drama program the school offers.  You think?!?  We bribed her with some ice cream and made it out the door without too much more of a scene.  Dustin commented, "Why did we even question this?"  My thoughts exactly.  We'll see how well Momma holds it together tomorrow morning.  Stay tuned!  I'm sure there will be a good story!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Confession Number 52: I Kinda Like 30

I'm a few weeks into this new decade in my life, and I have to say,  it isn't too bad.  I mean, it's not like something earth shattering happens in that minute that you officially become older.  It's not like I instantly saw more wrinkles or felt like I was getting around slower.  It just was.  Literally, one minute I was 29 and the next, I was 30.  For the first time (that I remember) I was up at that minute.  I was born at 2:07 and Kennedy woke up that night at 2:06.  You can't tell me God didn't have something to do with that.  I mean, come on.  Chance?  I think not.

The day I had been dreading for weeks was actually really great.  I spent the morning with Mom and Lynn, who headed back home after lunch at our favorite Mexican joint.  Then Dustin surprised me with a hot stone massage in the afternoon.  To ease my old and aching muscles.  It.  was.  goooood.  I didn't drool this time, though.  I promise!

He then surprised me with a little gathering of our closest friends here in Grove.  We had such a good time.  Here are a few of the highlights...
Hiding my eyes while they brought in my birthday cake.  Thankfully, it had no candles!

Showing off my amazing cake my way talented friend Julie made (check her out here) and the incredible new ipad from Dustin.  I have such a great hubby!  Back off girls, I know you are jealous, but he is all mine!

With all the girls!  I am truly blessed to have an amazing group of women in my life.  Thanks, girls!

As the night wore on comments started being made about me being a cougar.  I don't think 30 quite qualifies you for cougar status, but since Dustin is a couple of years younger than I am, the group was letting them fly.  Here are a few fun shots of the cougar in action...
At least you are never too old to have a little fun!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Confession Number 51: I'm Back

After taking a few weeks off and surviving a minor computer crisis (thank you, Dustin), I'm back in the blogging mood.  Here is what you can look forward to this month on Charla's Confessions:

30 Isn't So Bad
Why I Love Wipees
My Online Obsessions
The Final JWL Recipe Review (finally)

and a few stories (I'm sure) on surviving Kennedy's 3rd birthday and her first day of preschool.  Trust me, it is bound to be a fun few weeks around here.  You'll want to stay tuned!