Maybe it has been getting used to our new schedule, maybe it is the time of year (I miss August in a high school) or maybe it is one of the other billion things going on in my life, but lately, I've been in a rut. I haven't been blogging, I have been couponing regularly, I really just haven't been doing much of anything that is normal for me lately.
Today is the change of that, though. Life is great! Nothing to be in a rut about! This weeks marks the start of football season, the start of our MOPS year and the start of me being rutless. I'm hoping to get posts up about big things going on in our lives this week. KJ's birthday and first day of school, plus who knows what else. Stick with me, I'm back, I promise!
In the meantime, I think I got kicked out of my couponing rut this weekend. Dustin, KJ and I ran to Tulsa for a little bargin shopping. One of the stops on our list was to CVS. I only recently started shopping at CVS, once I realized their Extra Care Bucks were good for a whole month. Surely long enough for me to go to a larger city that has a CVS to spend them. I had saved up $18 in Extra Care Bucks and they were about to expire. There weren't a ton of things I needed that CVS had on sale, but I was pretty pleased with my haul.
This trip included:
2 cans of Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner
2 pkgs. of Arm and Hammer Moist Dryer Sheets (not sure how I'll like these, but they are worth a try)
1 bottle Crest Complete Mouthwash
1 tube Crest Pro Health Toothpaste
2 tubs CVS Wet Wipes
1 bottle Fantastik
1 bottle Windex Multisurface
1 Green Bag Tag (not pictured)
I got all of that for $3.29, plus tax. I had coupons for everything except the Green Bag Tag. It will pay me a quarter in ECB everytime I bring in a reusable shopping bag. It was $1, so it will pay for itself in four trips. I also earned $10 in ECB off my next purchase.
Hopefully my rut will stay far, far away. I'm too busy to spend time in a rut.