This week is a pretty big week in our house. Full of lots of fun activities and big milestones. Not only does Miss Kennedy turn 3 years old Friday, but this week also marks her first day of preschool. It is crazy that she is getting ready to start her lifetime of formal education tomorrow.
The decision to send our 3 year old to preschool two days a week wasn't one that Dustin and I came to easily. You may remember reading about my big inner struggle with this decision here. It was one of the most commented on postings I've done on this silly little blog of mine. You all offered some great advice, and when all was said and done I knew I wouldn't make the wrong decision, either way. A great friend pointed out that Kennedy's intellectual future probably wouldn't be solely determined on whether or not she went to preschool 2 days a week when she was three. After lots of prayer and thought, and a little encouragement from Ms. Cheryl, her soon to be teacher, we decided to give it a try. If she hates it, we don't have to go back and if she loves it, we are set. We aren't locked into any contracts and don't feel pressured at all from the school.
Monday was Open House at The Academy, Kennedy's new school. It is a small, private school at the Presbyterian Church here in our hometown. The school director is Ms. Judy, who, many moons ago, kept watch over Dustin, his sister Mallory, and a whole host of Dustin's lifelong friends. KJ will be a 2nd generation student of Ms. Judy's. We really can't go wrong. We had been building it up all day that we were going to go meet her new teacher, and she was full of excitement. We walked up the stairs and Dustin and Ms. Judy hugged (they hadn't seen each other in years). Kennedy shook hands with Ms. Cheryl, then walked over by Judy and stood really close. Finally Ms. Judy asked if she wanted a hug and KJ nodded. I guess if Ms. Judy was good enough for Daddy she was good enough for Kennedy! We were then lead to Kennedy's new classroom, where she immediately began playing with some toys in the floor. We were told of the daily routine and the "homework" we could expect, then went to fill out some paperwork. KJ drew on some scratch paper while Dustin and Ms. Judy caught up and when we were ready to go, she said, "OK, bye Mom". I had to explain that she actually wouldn't be staying to go to school for a few days and that next time she came she would be able to stay and play all day. Then they started. The tears started flowing and we even had a collapse to the floor. Ms. Judy commented how Kennedy may be a perfect candidate for the drama program the school offers. You think?!? We bribed her with some ice cream and made it out the door without too much more of a scene. Dustin commented, "Why did we even question this?" My thoughts exactly. We'll see how well Momma holds it together tomorrow morning. Stay tuned! I'm sure there will be a good story!
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