Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Confession Number 108: I Love the Holidays

I *love* bank holidays!  I know they must be a pain in the rear for some of you, but the somewhat random quality time with my man is sure fun!  Since being with Dustin I've learned to appreciate my President's more, heck, I'll even celebrate Columbus with vigor.  This week we loved celebrating MLK Jr. Day together.  Since KJ was also out of school it was a great excuse for us to spend some amazing family time together.

Monday morning we jumped in the car and headed to Tulsa.  I had an appointment with the amazing Dr. Dietz to check on Baby Brother 2.0, so we stopped there first.  Since both kids in a small exam room wasn't his idea of fun, Dustin waited in the car with the crazies and let them watch a movie while I ran in for my quick appointment.  Baby Brother 2.0 looked great and we are excited to head back in a couple of weeks to see him on the big screen of the "good" ultrasound room. 

Baby Brother 2.0 at 21 weeks
The pregnancy seems to be going well.  I seem to be getting bigger and bigger everyday.  He's becoming more active.  Why is it they practice their acrobatics at night???  The Braxton Hicks have started, much to my dismay.  They are no worry, just make Mommy a little uncomfortable.  Just hoping they stay random! 
After our appointment, we headed to try a new lunch place for us.  On the drive down I bought a Groupon for The Gnarley Dawg.  It is a hot dog place on Mingo.  Really a cool, family friendly place.  The kids got plain dogs.  I had a regular o' (delicious) chili cheese coney and Dustin ventured out to try a couple of their signature dogs.  He even had one with mac and cheese on top!  We loved it and will surely be returning!  I love being able to hear about new places on Groupon!  AND getting to try them out at a discount.  Bonus! 
The Gnarley Dawg was just a couple of blocks from our first shopping stop, Mathis Brothers.  The kids were troopers as Dustin and I picked out a new couch for the living room, then added a new mattress set for Cole.  Looks like he'll be moving to a big boy bed later this week!  Pray for us!!
A few other random shopping trips, including a fun trip to Toys R Us for the kiddies, and a night cap at Pei Wei and we were on our way back home.  I love our little shopping trips!  We had lots of fun, got some things marked off the "must do before Wyatt" list and relaxed.  Something we don't do often enough.  Yep.  Bank holidays are awesome!

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