Or sometimes like this...
I love it, because it is pretty stinkin' cute...
I hate it because I haven't taken a good picture without her wrinkled up nose in months...
Now that I think about, I think I'm loving it more and more.
Drop in to hear a few confessions as I balance marriage, motherhood, work and community involvement. It gets a little nutty around here!
Or sometimes like this...
I love it, because it is pretty stinkin' cute...
Now that I think about, I think I'm loving it more and more.
It has some great illustrations...
I found out that Nicci was selling this brand of books, Usborne Books. They specialize in children's books. Even The Pioneer Woman loves them. So, back in the fall I ordered a bunch and gave a few out to friends at Christmas, and saved quite a few for Miss KJ. We got this one...
Kennedy loves turning the hands on the clock. And we got these...
Should I be concerned that she has this pretty little girl double fisting it? In her underwear? Nope. That's iced tea she's drinking, right?
Kennedy loves this sticker book so much, that I decided to buy her some more for Valentine's Day. Then, I decided to host an e-show. So, if you would like to look at all of the awesomeness of Usborne books, check out their site (you have until Feb. 4th). They ship right to your house, super duper fast. Want the whole site? Click on Nicci's email on the site above and she'll hook you up with your own eshow! Now how fancy is that?
"I don't think so Kennedy, it is bedtime. Maybe you and mommy can play Elmo tomorrow." "Puuuwease mommy, puuuuwease" Enters big pout face. "Puuuuwease". I swear, this went on for several minutes. Okay, maybe we drug it out for a while, but it was so stinkin' cute! Who can say no to the pout face?
"Okay, Kennedy, we'll play Elmo once."
"Yea, mommy, yea!!! K play Elmo game!!! Tank you mommy!! Yea!"
Yep.....she's got me all figured out. Sigh.
I will have to say, the highlight of the trip was visiting Cowboy Stadium, especially since the outcome of the game wasn't much fun for our group. Dustin and I had been there for a Dallas Cowboys game on his birthday, but it is such an incredible building, it is worth it to see it again. Debbie and I decided we loved the reflection of the cars on the side of the building. What a cool shot!
Okay, friends, I know I am a confused little girl when it comes to collegiate sports. I yell Boomer Sooner and make funny pistols with my hands, but I can't help it. It is only part of my identity crisis. I have equal parts crimson and orange in my closet. I actually wore an OU shirt New Years Eve and OSU New Years Day. Can you say Bipolar??? I am a honest to goodness example of one not being able to help who she fell in love with. I mean, look at him...
He's pretty cute, huh girls? Who could resist this face? Even if his favorite color is orange. So, here I am, a little over 7 years later, still spending August-December as confused as can be. Crimson? Orange? So many decisions. Well, this guy decided he was tired of making a choice....
Poor guy...at least I'm not that confused. I at least wear mine on different days.
Okay, I've been to a couple of SEC games before, but I have to say, I totally wasn't prepared for what the Runnin' Rebels brought. In the Big XII, when we ladies get ready for a ballgame, we throw on a pair of jeans and a "cute top", tie on our tennis shoes and call it good. Every once in a while, during hot games, I've wanted a cute little dress because they are so much cooler, but I have never seen anything the likes of these Ole Miss ladies. Let me preface these pics by saying, I'm really not trying to be mean. I was just having a hard time trying to figure out if we were at a football game or a gala event.
Notice the cute ruffled red jacket, 3 inch heels, and the fur draped over her arm. Whew!
I think these boots are super cute, but I'd hate to stand and cheer at a football game in them for 4 hours. I have to say, there were about 10 other shots of Ole Miss ladies dressed to the nines. I have to give them credit, they go all out for their team.
All in all, Dustin and I had a great weekend. At least he picked Ole Miss in the Bowl Pick'em game. It wasn't a complete loss, I guess.